Brunswick Shores Amateur Radio Club

Brunswick County N4GM North Carolina

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Welcome to N4GM

Brunswick Shores Amateur Radio Club

The Brunswick Shores Amateur Radio Club (BSARC) is located in Brunswick County, North Carolina. The goal of the club is to provide a focal point for information on local activities and a framework for social and technical association of amateur radio operators and other persons with similar interests.



Become a Member

To join the club, click on the "Membership Application" tab to the left and follow the instructions there.

Pay Dues

Member Dues of ($30.00) and (40.00) for family plus donations can be made by using the "Buy Now" PayPal button below and then entering the appropriate dues and/or donation amount.

2025 Club Schedule

The 2025 schedule is is well in the works and activities are well underway. Check the status of events under "Club Calendar" below. If there are other activities that you would like our club to particate in, please come to one or our meetings, or contact the President.

Local 2 Meter NET Schedules

All Times are Local

Monday 8:30 AM - The "Shrimp NET", an informal-round robin net with random "Topic-of-the-week" discussions. This net is hosted by KI4KK(George) on the N4GM repeater, 147.315 (+600 offset tone 118.8 KHz). You can join the fun via EchoLink under N4GM-R.

Monday 7:00 PM - AUXCOM/ARES NET on N4GM 147.315 (+600 offset - 118.8 tone)

Current News

Updated 3/19/2025  

2025 Club Calendar

  • January 25-26th --- Winter Field Day, Saint James Waterway Park. Setup 10am, Start 2pm.
  • February 23-24th ----- North Carolina QSO Party.
  • March 1st ---------VE Test Session, 9am Calabash EMS Building
  • March 7-8th ----- Charlotte Hamfest, Friday 3pm-7pm Saturday 8:30am 4pm .
  • April 5th ---------- Raleigh Hamfest.
  • May 3rd ------------- Bald Head Island.
  • May 16-18th ---------- Dayton Hamvention.
  • June 28 ------------- VE Test Session, 9am Calabash EMS Building.
  • June 28-29th ------- Field Day 9am Calabash Town Park.
  • July 4th ------------- 4th of July Parade, 9am-1pm
  • October TBD ------- JOTA Dutchman Creek
  • October 4th ------ VE Test Session, 9am Calabash EMS Building.
  • November TBD ---- Benson JARS Fest.
  • December TBD ----------Annual Club Party.

  • Our Secretary publishes a Weekly Bulletin, via e-mail, to members regarding all upcoming evints. Send any current news to: for posting.

    If you are a non-dues paying "Associate" menber, be sure to register each year in order to continue to to be on the club roster and receive e-mails and Weekly Bulletins.


    Monthly Club Meetings

    Club meetings are usually held on the SECOND WEDNESDAY of the month from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Meeting locations will alternate between Supply and Calabash. Below are the two meeting locations;

    Calabash (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec)

    • EMS Building, 9031 Beach Drive SW, Calabash, NC 28467

    Supply (Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Nov)

    • The BEMC Headquarters, 795 Ocean Hwy, Supply, NC 28462

    • Our Club Meetings are normally ZOOM brcasted. Links are sent out to club members and guests.

      Weekly Meetings

      A group of local hams meet every Wednesday morning at 8:15 AM at the Tee Time Cafe in Shallotte, (126 Holden Beach Road). The Club is usually well represented at this meeting with club business often discussed.

    Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act

    The Club is formed under the Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act (UUNAA) which went into effect in North Carolina, January 2007. The details and club documentation used to complete this registration are provided for others to review and use as appropriate. Hopefully this information will be of use to others starting a local club or other type of association. Please provide feedback so we can update our information and help others. Club Formation under the UUNAA in North Carolina  

    Last Revised 3/19/2025

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